Monday, July 15, 2013

TV Shows

The cable TV Fred is set up with in his temporary place is adequate.  We don't know the channels, nor do we know when anything comes on, so it's hard to plan to watch or find a particular show.  Many people here just watch DVD TV series.  So we bought a few.
In the 3 weeks the girls and I have been here, we have been watching TV most nights from 8PM until about midnight.  The problem with DVD shows is there is another one next- no waiting a week to see what happens.  You become addicted and can't stop.  The girls continually plead "Just One More."  When you have nothing to do, why not stay up and just sleep in?  It's summer break and we don't have a schedule, so it's an ok time to have a little fun and indulge.

So our first TV show was Heroes.  This show came out around 2004- not a very good TV viewing time when your twins are 3 years old, so Fred and I heard about this great show, but missed it.  The girls are now old enough to watch some more scary shows. This show is about regular people who realize they have a super power ability.  There is a bad guy, who wants everyone's super powers and kills them to steal it (not sure how this works in reality- but it's TV).  The show is well done and quite addictive.  We watched the entire season in 1 week.  I thought this was something to brag about, but ran into another person out here who watched an entire season of a show in a weekend.  Umm- not much to do huh?

After a fairly intense show, we opted for The Office- with Steve Carrell.  It's been light and easy AND with no commercials, each show is 22 minutes- you can more or less get 3 viewed in an hour.  How great is that!  Fred has been trying to get the girls to try out Smallville- the stories of Superman when he was a teenager.  We've actually seen some of those- pre-kids and they are pretty good.  Another friend has offered us all 9 years of Seinfeld.  Personally, that was one of my favorite shows and I am totally looking forward to watching 9 years of the show again- in a month!  What have our life come to?

Ok- our lives are not just TV and puzzles.  We have been going out and exploring, but I have been really bad at remember to take pictures and I want to try to do posts with pictures so you can see what we see.  I'll get to posting those fun adventures soon!

1 comment:

  1. Just read all the posts, Pam. Thanks for the detail and the care. I look forward to following you from afar. Bryan McGrath
