Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Movers Singapore style

Our movers delivered our household goods about 5 days ago and I have finally gotten our wifi back online and wanted to do a quick update on how they do a move in Singapore.

We had 6 (wow) guys show up to unload our crates.  however, one guy would open the crates while 5 watched.  Our crates were glued and nailed so tightly this took about 15 minutes to do 1crate (we had 13- you do the math on how long that took).  Once each crate was opened the guys would line up and pass the boxes down the line to our front porch.  Heavy furniture were individually carried to the porch.  Then the guys would carry the items into the house leaving all furniture items still wrapped in paper. This process continued for the first 6 crates then the truck went to get the rest of the crates.  The 5 guys left behind had lunch and took a nap.

At this point I kept thinking how about in unwrapping all that furniture inside my home?   But they have a system, unwrap after they unload everything they would tell me, "unload, unwrap, set up."  Finally, all items were in the house, but it was so late they had to come back the next day to unwrap and set up. Unload was it for day 1.

When I saw 6 guys for a move (we've never had more than 3) I was quite excited and thought they can easily do this in a day.  The stuck crates were a setback, but the biggest thing I noticed that day and have started picking up as a way of life here is that there is a system and you follow it.  The thought of unwrapping the items while the truck was gone for 2 hours was not in the regular system of doing things so why deviate.  The entire process would have been completely inefficient with the typical 3 guys you get in the US, but in Singapore people are something they have plenty of, and wages are low.  Human resources is their biggest resource.  Systems work fine here if you throw more manpower instead of looking for ways to be more efficient in the process routine.

It's not the US way, so it's different to me, but it works, albeit inefficiently, but what matters most to me is our stuff is here!  Once out home is set up I'll post photos of the inside.

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