Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Settling In- Challenges in Singapore

The biggest thing I miss from the US- Bed Bath and Beyond.  Every time we move I end up running there for bath, kitchen, rugs, decorations.  They have it all.  I've been to two differen little Japanese stores that are like home stores, but I could get exactly what I wanted.  I've resorted to searching on line and ordering what I need (thank goodness we have an FPO address and shipping is free). Running to stores here is time consuming and annoying.  I don't know what they have, they seem so disorganized.  It's like when a food store reorganizes stuff and you are stuck going up and down every isle trying to find what you need.  I am constantly feeling that way.  One errand seems to take forever and I walk to and from so when I buy the wrong thing, it's a pain to return it.

Case-in-point--- I decided to just re-setup the cable Fred had at his apartment here in our new home.  However, I needed lots of extra cable line- the connections were much farther from where we wanted the TVs.  I walked over to a nearby hardware store bought cable- unfortunately it had slightly smaller connectors and wouldn't fit.  I walked back returned them and got a different type that worked, but it still wasn't long enough.  I walked back, bought 2 female/female adapters (ok maybe I'm being to techy for some of you)  but the bottom line is somehow I grabbed 1 female/female and 1 female/male.  So, I still need to walk back and exchange it for 1 more correct connector.  The walk is only 15 minutes, so it's not bad, but for some reason these running back and forth with the wrong things seem so much more painful here than driving 15 minutes to Home Depot.

The good news is, they do have an IKEA here and a neighbor drove me there.  I was able to buy many of the random things you need to set up a new home and Target Online and Amazon are filling in the rest of the stuff.

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