Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Office Space Weight Room

Fred is a regular at working out.  A number of years ago I bought him a bowflex on craigslist.  He loves using it and it's so compact it moves with us everywhere.

In our home in Vienna, the bowflex has a great spot in our oversized laundry room.  It's still in a functional part of our home, but away so no one but Fred and I see it.  I even set up an old tv there so he could watch news while he worked out.

When we lived in a 2 bedroom townhouse in Coronado, it had a large bedroom that had plenty of space to fit all our bedroom furniture plus the bowflex. So guess what came with us!

Our home in Singapore once again has huge rooms but not many.  We brought the bowflex, which would easily fit in our bedroom, but just off our bedroom is a space many people use as an office.  Ours now has a bowflex in it and I have my office in an oversized hallway.  See pictures below.

This decision on where to put the bowflex always results in a little stress in our marriage.  The bowflex means easy work outs for Fred and that is important to him and obviously I love him enough to have bought it  (for our home in VA, when it had a space NOT in the bedroom).

Unfortunately, his workouts are often done at 6AM before work and hearing the clanking around as he works out disturbs my beauty rest.  I like to sleep in and preferable would never in my life choose to wake up at 6AM.  I also realize school will start soon, and our entire family will be up clanking around at 6AM, so for the next few weeks, I'll be waking to some clanking and trying to fall back asleep.

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