Saturday, February 9, 2013

Last Day Thoughts

So today is my last day in Singapore, it is Chinese New Year, so many things are closed and it is raining so I thought I'd do a reflections of my initial thoughts.

First, the rain.  It rained at some point everyday except 1 of my 9 days here.  It's not all day, but it's so random it's hard to plan.  Like today, I was getting ready to walk over to the gym and when I was done it started raining, so I'm home.  You can walk around in the rain, I often have- that is why flip flops are a must, but to walk to the gym in the rain- not me.   The rain can be hard or a light drizzle, but seems to be no longer than a half an hour.  Many times if you get on a subway train by the time you get off it's done raining.  Singapore also does an exceptional job with walkways that are covered- probably also good when it's sunny.

How about the temperature?  It's warm, but what comes with rain are clouds so it's not the sunny on the equator tropical hot- or at least not in February.  I've heard the summer is a different story.  I'll keep you updated.  Really it's like a cloudy rainy summer day in DC.  The evenings are really nice, you can sit outside in a t-shirt and be totally comfortable.  I often was cold in San Diego in the evenings and wore more sweatshirts there than DC.  The only bummer is if it is sunny and your walking in a non protected area you will have a sheen of sweat on you in 5 minutes.

People-like everywhere all people are different.  Generally, anyone I have spoken with has been nice.  I've heard there is a "me first" attitude here, but I really haven't experienced it.  Someone may rush towards the empty seat on the subway, but that's really probably not that unusual.  There are seats that say they are for elderly, pregnant, or injured people, I have never seen someone get up to give an elderly person a seat but I imagine that happen in the US too.  If I every experience this I'll be sure to write.

Food- where to begin, I've already expressed some concern about lack of choices, and the unusual items they prepare here.  We did go to a terrific Mediterranean restaurant the other day so there probably are some different ethnic choices beyond Asian out here but I haven't found them.  The hawker stalls (quick food courts inside or out) generally serve various Asian dishes and that's the easiest and cheapest around.  Just stay away from what you don't want to try.  They do have a dish here called carrot cake that is basically a potato type of vegetable with egg- it's really good.  I assume their carrot must be this random potatoey vegetable.  Once we are moved in and have a fully stocked kitchen, we'll be able to make spaghetti or meatloaf.

Overall thoughts on living here.  It will be a challenge, somethings will be really difficult, but like anywhere new you figure it out. You know how you have to get used to where things are at new food store?- it will be like that time 20!  It will also be great to experience something different and learn to appreciate how easy our lives in the US are.  Maybe I'll learn some new foods to enjoy.  Hopefully, we'll travel, and maybe even pick up a few words of Mandarin.

As with all moves there will be times when I just want to go back to where I last was, but eventually you get used to your situation find some friends to hang out with and then before you know it, it's time to move again.

We will survive but I will seriously miss Vienna- that is HOME.

The rain has stopped- half an hour! Off to the gym.

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