Friday, February 1, 2013

First Flight

So I'm in Singapore visiting Fred and decided to go ahead and start our Singapore Adventure Blog.

I haven't done anything yet but travel and try to sleep so I'll write about the 21 flight hours.

The international flights offer many great benefits over domestic flights like a hundred movies and shows to watch AND free beer and wine.  So I was quite thrilled to get on the plane and find so many movies to choose from.   I haven't seen a movie of my choosing in years so here I have 14 hours of movie bliss.   I decide to first watch The Decendants now I think George Clooney was up for an Oscar for this movie last year so I am quite a bit behind in my movie viewing.

After The Decendenats I knew what I really wanted to watch - Argo.  I couldn't believe my good luck that I'd get a chance to see an Oscar nominated movie before the Oscars.  So, it's a historically based movie so I know the outcome but I was totally compelled by it hoping they would make it out of Iran.  It definitely deserves an Oscar nod when you are so worried about something you already know.

After a serious drama I opted for Katy Perry's concert documentary.  Just what I needed and it actually wasn't too bad of a movie.  Fred had taken the girls over the summer to see the movie in the theater and they all said it was better than expected.  I agree a fun enjoyable show.

I continued enjoying this movie and tv watching along with meals and drinks handed right to me and then trash just whisked away until about halfway into this first flight. I'm now 7 hours into my flight and beginning to feel a little bored and crowed even with my walks around the plane after each movie.   My butt is starting to hurt and I've still got 7 hours and then an another entire flight.  I try sleeping and pass the time by with more tv and more eating even though I have barely moved to even make myself hungry.

Finally it's time to land in Japan.   I'm thinking about asking the guy in my row if he is familiar with this airport when he asks me.  He's heading to the Philippines and need to get bags and recheck them for his next flight. I understand I need to go though security again so with just an hour I'm a little nervous.  We part ways and realize it's each man for himself to make our next flights.  As I enter the terminal I see the gate guide, I look at it and it's all Japanesse!  WHAT!!!   (later I learned it chnges to English if you wait a minute - I was too impatient).  I decide to get though security and figure out where to go afterwards.  Luck was on my side and a United employee comes through my security line offering help. Yes Please. We'll I'm in Singapore so I made my second flight.

But, ugh more sitting my poor butt.  I decide to sleep this flight away, but that darn noisy card offering free food and drink wakes me.  I'm telling myself you do not need food pass on it, but it might be nice to have the cookie later if I get hungry, so I take the food and the wine to get me back to sleep.  Of course
I eat the food and I am now stuffed.  And what does the altitude do to your feet they're swollen and smashed in loose fitting shoes.  Please let me just sleep this flight away.

Finally I wake we are getting ready to land and I'm home free.  Fred meets me at the airport and I'm here now just 7 hours till daylight.  I try to sleep but decide to write this instead

Hope to write about Singapore once I see it!

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