Monday, February 4, 2013

Clarke Quay

I went to dinner with a the ladies from our work group and we went to a great area in Singapore called Clarke Quay.  The area looked a lot like San Antonio's river walk.   There were tons of restaurants- real ones not food couts.  We sat down were served and even had napkins.  The one thing that is different here is you do not tip, so consequently there is no drive to be a better server, but you also don't need to rely on your one server to help you.  Any employee walking by will get you a drink or help you out- you just need to ask.  

So Clarke Quay has a river front area where you can take a gondola ride.  It's buildings are brightly colored and it just looks fun!  There is a back area off the river front that has a super high structure that is basically clear and open on the sides but is there designed to protect you from the rain.  You feel like you are outside but don't get wet. Some of the architecture and environmental design here is totally amazing.   Underneath this rain protector are more restaurants with "outside" eating.  The buildings the restaurants are in are 2 story some seem to have real offices above, but others seem to be a facade above. It reminded me of Dinsey where they have the facade along walkways and shopping areas.  

So many restaurants to choose from and all different nationalities.  We ate at the Spanish tapas place that was quite good. 

Can't wait to go back and show Fred and then later the girls.

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