Thursday, August 8, 2013

Singapore or Florida where to live?

Fred likes to play these hypothetical games to figure out what I am thinking.  He often has me rank stuff 1-10 to know where I stand.  So the other evening he says if we could leave Singapore and move, would you go to Japan?- "No" definitely no, why would I want to go to another foreign country that doesn't even speak English (plus I've hear base housing is small there).

Then he asks what about moving to San Diego? ("YES"), Norfolk? ("yes"), Florida?- and I paused.  This scared me at first- would I really stay here rather than move to Florida?  I love visiting Florida- Disney, Universal, great beaches, but I've never wanted to live there- hot and afternoon rain (sounds like Singapore).  So why did I pause?  Our house in Singapore is really nice, it's all set up, I wouldn't want to go through a move again so soon, but I'm also feeling relatively comfortable.  We know our way around our area, the people are nice, we have a pool and restaurant club to hang out at.  The girls school looks amazing.  Our little military community is relatively easy to live in and very American.  If I want to enter the reality of living in Singapore I walk down a set of steps to leave our community and from there we can ride the train to explore a foreign area.

I think in reality it is perfectly fine living here if you don't think about how far way from America you are- literally on the other side of the world.  The difficulty of not seeing family and friends makes this hard, but the military community makes it easy.  Having our own stuff here makes it comfortable.

I still don't really know the answer to that question- it's only two years here, it will go by fast, and be an experience living here that will broaden who we are.  These are all great things, but Florida is only a long drive or quick flight to see family and friends.  Hmm?

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