Monday, August 26, 2013

Malaysian Shopping Trip

The Navy Moral Welfare and Recreation plans a trip once a month to try to encourage easy ways for our community to venture outside Singapore.  For August, they offered a one day bus trip to a shopping mall in Malaysia.  Being a timid international traveler I decided this would be an easy safe way for us to explore beyond Singapore.  I still wasn't comfortable doing this alone, so I signed Fred up to join the girls and I on this trip last Saturday.

Malaysia is known for having less expensive goods, so many Singaporeans go there to shop.  The problem is you must go through customs both entering Malaysia and then when coming back to Singapore so there is typically an 1-2 hour delay getting through due to the vast number of people looking for deals.

It's been a long time since I traveled into Mexico from San Diego, but it's just as close going to Malaysia from Singapore.  Right across a causeway.  This is us crossing with the traffic around us.
Once we entered Malaysia they had a typical welcome sign with their leader's picture.
 This is just a picture from the road.  It will always seem strange seeing signs in languages I can't read.

So, at the mall Jen was so excited to get shopping.  We came a cross a store that sold Beats, or I guess we should name them Feets since they were fake beats.  Anyway, after testing them out, they were such a great deal and sounded really good we decided to go ahead and buy them.  Jen and Katie also scored some shoes at great prices and then Fred and Katie got some deals on some books.  In the end I didn't come home with anything but lots of left over Malaysian money but the experience and buying stuff for everyone else was worth the trip.

The highlight for us was finding an Auntie Anne's pretzel in the mall and buying hot American tasting pretzels for $1 (US) each-- can't beat that!

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