Sunday, August 4, 2013

Meeting New Friends

I LOVE my friends back in the US, but you need people to hang out with where ever you are.  I was lucky to know a few people before I even arrived here.  I had met Fred's boss's wife before and she has been super helpful getting us settled in.  She drove me to the food store for my super large trip to stock up the fridge with all the stuff I threw out 40 days ago.  It was so great to load all the groceries in a car and unload in my driveway.

I started going to a spinning class they offered for the month of July at a gym right near my home. I met 4 really nice ladies there. Kinda bummed it was only offered for one month, but we are all going to petition the director to set it up as a permanent exercise class.

The community does a monthly coffee so I went this past week with 2 other women from spinning and a neighbor who has kids around the girls age.  I met another 7 or so spouses who I haven't seen around the community yet.

It is way easier to meet people in a small community.  There are about 50 families that live in the neighborhood, so when someone is new everyone notices an unfamiliar face.  At the pool people come up to the girls and I asking if we are new here.  Most people live here 2-3 years, so the faces change out  and everyone welcomes the new folks quickly because before you know it you or they will be heading out of here.

Soon enough it will be our turn to leave and reunite with our U.S. friends but it's always great to add new friends, now even throughout the world, to our ever growing friendships.

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