Tuesday, June 25, 2013


We finally made it to the pool.   Our first attempt ended in hearing thunder just as we were getting changed.  Second attempt we got here lathered up in sunscreen the girls hopped in and not 15 minutes later it thundered.  That time was a total bummer because we got through the entire sunscreen ordeal. I know all of you know how annoying that is!!! Today we headed out earlier in the day, and made it.  Below are a couple of photos of the pool club here.

The pool here is has a restaurant with it that serves lots of American food along with some Asian.   It's the closest and easiest place to eat at so we will be here often.

We were provided loaner dishes and pots so last night I made food beyond just heating something in the microwave.  Of course it was something easy -- pasta but the girls were happy they hadn't had spaghetti in a while.

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