Sunday, June 23, 2013

Move to Singapore

                                       We are here!  We left Dulles airport at 10AM June 21st.  

This is our departing photo.  This flight was to Chicago then onto Hong Kong and finally Singapore.  The flights went well.  I had originally planned to sit in a row in front of the girls and hopefully they could get a row to themselves.  Unfortunately, the flights sold out so I had to switch with the poor guy stuck in the middle between the girls.  The 3 of us had all our pillow pets and stuff all piled around us.  

Hong Kong was really neat.  Below is a photo.  I couldn't believe all the mountains leading right into the water all around us.  I can't wait to take a trip here and see more that the neat airport.  

Finally we arrived in Singapore.  The airplane food was the worst ever so we stopped at McDonald's (I know totally American) for a bite to eat and an arrival photo.  

I wanted to quickly share these photos on the blog for those of you not on facebook and let you know we are here and safe.  

We will miss all our family and friends!

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