Sunday, June 23, 2013

Letting Go

So I've had something on my mind since leaving VA (3 days ago), that I can't seem to let go of.

When we were moving out we decided to pull up the upstairs carpet and hope the wood flooring underneath was good enough.  It wasn't, so at the last minute we got the floors redone  I knew we would possibly depart before seeing the finished product and I was ok with that- or so I thought.

Thursday evening we stopped by to see how things were coming along upstairs.  What I could see of the floors looked good, but when the floors dry will they look the same?  I don't know and sadly I won't see them for myself for two years. I know they will look better than what was there before, but it's been on my mind how they turned out.

My parents will stop by before our tenant moves in and they will check the floors out and give me the report.  I'm sure it will be good.  I guess I am hanging onto this thought as I deal with the reality of not going back into that home for two years.  I'm sure in a few days/weeks I'll totally forget about the floors, but there was no closure for leaving our home and my mind has decided to latch onto that.

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