Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fuse Blow-up

So Singapore works on a 220 voltage and all our US items work on 110.  Many US items can however handle up to 240 volts so just having an outlet adapter you can plug in your items and they work.  However, I learned the hard way not all items are compatible and I really should read the labels.

I was worried the girls would need something to do inside the home while we waited for all our stuff to arrive, being from a video addicted generation we decided to bring the xbox for some inside activity. I packaged up the xbox and some games into the original box (I am one of the few that keeps original packaging).  The box fit in a hard carryon suitcase, so around a bunch of dirty clothes I lugged the xbox with us through 4 airports.

Upon settling in, I got a spare adapter and plugged the power cord in- WHAM!  Sparks flew and the lights went out.  I blew the fuse and blew out the power supply cord with built in surge protector.  THANK GOODNESS the XBOX was not connected!  But the power supply cord is dead!  So the xbox doesn't work- all that lugging it around for nothing!

The home maintenance people came to reset the fuses and showed me what to look for on labels and how to use these big voltage convertors they provide to us.  See picture below.

Now, onto getting a new power supply cord.  So apparently the xboxs sold in different counties actually have different supply cords, so I'll beordering one from Amazon (who ships free with prime to us) but this will take about 10 days to arrive.  In about 10 days our first shipment should arrive, so basically I could have left the xbox to be shipped instead of bringing it with my carryon and not paid for a new cord.  Hopefully, the girls will find other things to do that will keep them entertained for the next 10 days!

Voltage regulator next to dead power cord :(

LUCKILY- the home we will move into in July comes with US 110 outlets so I won't destroy any other items by mistake.

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