Monday, September 9, 2013

Mail Call

Today I went to get my mail and I was so excited.  I had ordered a couple things that should have arrived last week, but never showed up.  I skipped picking up mail on Friday and Monday, thinking for sure they will be here on Tuesday.  Sadly, no package, not even one piece of mail was in our box (3 days worth).

I had an instant pang of the same feelings I'd have in college when my mailbox was empty.  Nothing, there, why bother checking the mail when it just makes you feel sad.

Back in college, there was no internet, so letters were the only way to keep in touch.  I had a boyfriend, Fred, parents, and friends who would write me, so I was one of the lucky one who received mail regularly. Even though I knew I was loved, I couldn't stop the sad feeling when I'd open my box and see straight though into the mail sorting area.

We don't get any junk mail here- probably a good thing, but sometimes just knowing Pizza Hut or Michael's is thinking about you would be a welcomed flyer to receive.

We do most of our bill paying online so even those dreaded bills don't show up very often in the mailbox.

Maybe this is subconsciously why I order stuff online, I want to receive some mail.  With the internet, skype, and our magic jack phone we are able to regularly keep in touch with those we love. Nowadays, there really is no need to hand write a letter, put at $.41 stamp on it, and wait 2 weeks for someone to receive it.

The military unfortunately seems to want to hoard our mail and deliver it all at once.  Two months ago I got an overload of packages.  Ok- this was a little embarrassing but we had just moved into our home and needed to stock up on stuff.

Hopefully sometime this week I will finally get another huge pile of items I've ordered over the last 2-3 weeks.  But soon enough I'll feel the need to get mail again; I'll find more things to order online just to know someone is thinking about me- even if I'm paying for it.

P.S.- please don't take this as a solicitation for you to write. :)

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