Sunday, September 15, 2013

Largest Store I've Ever Seen

In Little India there is a store that is the biggest stand alone store I have ever seen.  This place is called Mustafa Center and it is open 24 hours.  I had gone here with the girls over the summer to check out this place which listed as a tourist attraction in Lonely Planet.  We were in awe at the endless isles of various goods on 7 floors. So stunned I had forgotten to take photos to share with you.

Recently, I headed back with a couple new spouses in the neighborhood and was ready to take some photos. We spent 3 1/2 hours traipsing through the entire place.  I realized the girls and I only covered about 1/2 of the building on our first visit.  This time we walked the entire place except the electronics and hardware sections.  In addition to carrying anything and everything it has a full grocery store.  The only bummer is the prices are pretty much what you would pay anywhere else.  No bargains in Singapore!  Hope you enjoy the photos below.

The store is huge, but the photos don't show how unbelievably big.

Beautiful scarfs and material everywhere

If only I could make Jen and Katie wear these!
So many serving spoons to choose from.
 Finally some 80's throwback items.  I don't even think they make the glass visons pots anymore.

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