Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Singapore American School (SAS)


Yes, school has already begun in Singapore.  Actually, it came at a good time.  Katie and Jen were getting a little restless and they were ready for some structure to their days.  They were both up bright and early and ready to catch their luxury coach bus at 7AM.  

The girls wear blue shorts with a white collar shirt.  They can add a plain blue sweat jacket if they are chilly- only in the classroom or on the bus.  No need for that sweatshirt walking to classes.  

This is their luxury bus.  No expense spared for those wanting the life and luxury of being American. 

This is the entrance to the middle school.  All the lockers and hallways are covered outside and then you go into the classrooms.  There are 300 students in each grade.  For the middle school they are broken down into 3 teams (Katie and Jen are on C team) this means they have their core classes with the same teachers on the 3rd floor.  Their electives can be anywhere throughout the middle school.  

Jen is taking Choir and Art for her electives this semester.  Katie is taking Cooking and IT Media (creating computerized comics).  They have a really impressive computer graphics program here.  

SO onto the how the first few days have been- GREAT!  The girls have come home happy each day. Middle school can be such a stressful time in kids lives.  Meeting new kids, finding friends, and managing lunchtime.  Luckily here all 300 kids eat at once (CHOAS) but that means Katie and Jen get to sit together.  They were lucky enough to have run into 2 other girls that they met at the newcomers orientation and all 4 of them sat together.  

These first few days the girls spent most of their time at school learning how to set up stuff on their school issued MacBook Air.  They all use a google account to track school work, homework, keep class blogs.  It's so amazing.  Luckily, I've been doing this blog for a bit and together I could help them work on creating a neat layout.  

They love their math teacher, he creates You Tube videos with classroom tutorials.  He has over 2000 videos.
I am totally impressed with how tech savvy this school is and am so excited for the girls to teach me all they learn!