Sunday, August 4, 2013

Katie's Bedroom by Katie

Hi, this is Katie.  I really like my new bedroom.  It is SO big.  Because of the size I can fit all my stuff and still have a good amount of room to walk through.  One thing I also like about my room is that you can control the temperature for only that room, so if I wake up in the middle of the night and I’m really hot or cold I don’t have to walk far to change the temperature and I won’t disturb anyone else by changing it.

  It was fun unpacking and get all my stuff situated except for my clothes.  I have a lot and at first I didn’t know where to put them and I didn’t want to organize them, but eventually I did and it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Once I got all of my stuff into my bedroom it was also fun to decorate.  I had a lot of posters back in Virginia and I had gotten more before we moved, but we weren’t expecting an extra window.  I got to hang up all of my posters except for one of my Hunger Games posters.  I’m happy with the way my room turned out; basically everything is in a good easy to reach spot.
I like the way my beds are set up.  Back in Virginia I use my top bunk to sleep on and my bottom for reading and relaxing.  Having two beds is also good for sleepovers.  Now I use my bed with the green and blue comforter to sleep in and the other as a relaxing reading bed, which I often use like a couch and play my electronics on. 

           Right now I use my desk for drawing, but when school starts in 8 days I’m going to use it for homework, too.  I was going to get a new relaxing chair for my bedroom like Jen is, but then my mom thought of an idea to get a nice office chair for my desk.  People here have been really nice and they have offered to take us to Ikea where I got my office chair and Jen is ordering a chair for her bedroom. 

Even though my new bedroom is bigger and cool.  I still like my old my old bedroom a lot and I won’t be unhappy when I come back to it. 

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