Saturday, May 31, 2014

Top 5 Restaurants to eat at in Virginia

In about a week we will be coming back to Virginia for a long visit.  We often talk about some of the things we miss most.  For me the biggest thing is simply parking right in front of the store/restaurant you want to go into.  Because Singapore is a small densely populated area, ever place has a parking garage that you must pay for.  Going out to eat becomes more involved when you have to park in a garage and walk around a mall to get to the restaurant.  We end up eating at home more than we have ever have.

So the big conversation is where we want to eat.  What food have we missed.

Number 1 Sweet Ginger.  This is a Japanese restaurant so you are probably wondering why I am missing Japanese when I'm in an Asian country.  US Asian food is sooo much better- at least to my taste buds.  We all love sushi and Sweet Ginger has some of the best.  In Singapore they must love mayonnaise because it's in globs on their sushi- YUCK.  Even when we were in Japan the sushi was weird- lots of raw chewy octopus- no thank you.  Give me my americanized California roll with avocado (here they use scrambled egg- avocados' are too expensive).  Sweet Ginger better get ready for repeat Kacher visit for their yummy bento boxes and for dessert asian donuts with ice cream (not a true Asian dessert).

Number 2 is Chipotle, or really any good mexican food.  My home cooked mexican is the best we've had here and honestly it's not that great.  At one "mexican" restaurant we had burritos and they looked mexican but tasted indian.  My meal had stewed tomatoes over it - I think maybe it was supposed to be the salsa?

Number 3 Church Street Pizza.  YUM is all I can say for New York style thin crust floppy cheese pizza that takes two hands to hold or you have to fold it in half.  Definitely not getting that in Singapore.  Our best pizza place is a gourmet place from Australia.  Good high end pizza topped with all sorts of creative combinations for the bargain price of $25 or more each.

Number 4 Italian Gourmet or Potbelly's actually any good sandwich shop other than Subway.  If your idea of a good sandwich is at Subway- fine there are plenty of them here in Singapore.  But having grown up with a brother who owns a deli and has perfected sandwich making, Subway doesn't make the cut.  In fact, I may need to drive to Leesburg just for one of his Deli South sandwiches.

Number 5 Tied between Clydes and Costal Flats. Both of these restaurants have good food and for our family they seem to be our celebratory go to places.  I have fond memories of birthday or holiday get togethers when no one wanted to cook and it would just be so much more fun to eat out.

Family, Friends, & Food- looking forward to some good time in Virginia.

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