Thursday, October 3, 2013

Singapore Botanical Gardens

Last weekend we had some free time to do something as a family.  Before the girls and I arrived here, Fred had gone on a jog through the Botanical  Gardens and he really wanted us to see it.  Jen and I were game for it, Katie took a little convincing.  Finally, we persuaded her that missing out on a fun family adventure and a delicious meal out would cause her to feel left out and she'd regret it.  Nothing like planting a few negative thoughts in your child's mind to make them do what you want.

Katie begrudgingly smiled for the camera.

The Botanical Gardens were really pretty and luckily it wasn't too hot of a day (or are we just getting used to the heat and humidity).  There is a paid area to wander through the orchids, which was absolutely worth it.  They had some of the most beautiful orchids here- with the most unique color combinations.

 Jen really enjoyed taking photos of the different shapes and color orchids.  She has been enjoying her art class at school and is looking forward to the photography unit.

 The girls are getting taller each day- I seem to regularly need to order new shorts and shoes for them as they've grown out of most stuff we arrived with.

 This was a neat photo spot with the moss covered cement stools.
Singapore has some amazing beauty, it's just a matter of being willing to sweat it out on your explorations and know there is a shower waiting for you when you arrive home.

Oh yea, the meal we got was pretty good.  Katie got a pesto cream pasta dish, Pam got mussels and linguini, Jen got pancakes (this place was famous for them- good but probably not worth a "famous" description).  Fred got a slider variety- beef, pork, & chicken.  Are you hungry now????

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