Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Deepavali in Singapore

Singapore has a significant Indian population, about 9-10% of the residents are of Indian decent.  There is a historic area called Little India full of Indian specialty shops and food.  Most Hindu Indians, and many others just to take part in the festivities, celebrate Deepavali this time of the year.  Deepavali is known as the "festival of lights".  The spiritual meaning behind the celebration is the awareness of inner light.

Being a long term tourist, I had to get to Little India during this celebration to check out the decoration and vendors with their stores jam packed with items to sell to "tourists" like me.  A group of ladies in my neighborhood headed out to check it out.

Little India is just a 45 minute subway train ride away.  In no time we were in a market buying inexpensive shirts and sundresses-- 2 for $10.  There were also some amazingly beautiful dresses that I may need to check out for next year's Navy Ball.

 Now I know where the bargains are!  After a quick lunch at an outside eatery (Hawker stands)- I chose Pad Thai for $3.50 we headed into the heart of Little India and got our cameras out.  

Apparently Welcome doesn't need an "E" on the end.

 Hanging decorations were everywhere and all for sale!
 Hindu figures welcoming you to the tent full of items for sale.
The main drag down Little India was decorated with festival of light symbols that would be illuminated in different colors at nighttime.

Happy Deepavali

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