Sunday, December 1, 2013

Holiday Shopping

Black Friday is my favorite shopping day.  SALE SALE SALE!  The infectious crowds putting things in their carts make me put stuff in mine too.  The holiday music ringing in my ears BUY, BUY, BUY.  It's electrifying to head out and get amazing deals!

A few years ago my sister-in-law, Shannon, and I headed out for the midnight sales.  We raided Abercrombie and Fitch with the best of them, EVERYTHING was 50% off.  Buy, buy, buy- I rang up $500 of clothes for my kids, nieces, and nephews that instantaneously became $250.  Was there anything else they needed - the deals were amazing!

Last year my second outing in the  afternoon was with Fred and the girls when we went to Walmart- which was relatively calm since the morning storm had passed.  We were in awe of the multitude of bins filled with DVDs.  We had heard that video streaming services might not work in Singapore, so DVDs were what we needed and at $2, $3, or even $5 they were just falling into our cart.  We loaded up on TV shows so we could have something to watch regularly without US stations.  I spotted a $12 DVD/Blue Ray player - why not, the one we have might break! We ended up buying so many DVDs a year later there are still some unopened.

So this year, I'm in Singapore.  They don't celebrate Thanksgiving, thus there is no Black Friday, except at our Naval Exchange.  Some friends joked about lining up, spending the night even since it's the only Black Friday shopping in town.  Doors opened at 7AM- and YES there was a line (I heard).  I actually woke up at 7:20- wanted to go back to sleep, but then remembered all the Embassy people could come and raid our sales.  I jumped up and headed out the door- arriving at 7:45. The place was packed.  Purses were on sale and women were all gathered around picking the one they liked the best.  Purses are not my thing- I love shoes- so off to the shoe section where a new pair of sneakers jumped in my cart!  Now was there anything to buy for the rest of the family??!!  Going through our small store (think the size of a CVS) didn't take long, but I filled the cart.  It's Black Friday, so I couldn't pass up the deals!  An hour later it was over with no second outing except to run back and pick up the milk I forgot.

Happy Shopping- Thank goodness for Amazon and a FPO address!

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