Monday, July 15, 2013

Time for a Puzzle

When you live somewhere longterm temporarily there is no yard work, very little housework, not a ton of cooking.  So what do you do all day?

I thought there might be moments that were slow in our temporary quarters, so before we departed VA, I had bought a 1000 piece puzzle.  The girls and I spent a little time over the last 3 weeks putting pieces in and I wanted to share our results.

Jen and the 1000 pieces we were starting to sort through.

Working on the boarder- we may have gotten ourselves in over our heads.

Serious progress.
All that red is yet to be put together.  How do you do that- ?

Trial and error and lots of patience got all those red pieces together.  Glued and taped.  Ready to hang on the wall in one of the girls bedrooms.

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