Sunday, July 19, 2015

New fruit we had discovered in Singapore

While living in Singapore we tried some different types of fruit.  One of thing I found unusual was when you bought a fruit you'd had eaten before but inside it was a different color.  Luckily they tasted the same even if the color was a surprise.

Yellow Malaysian Watermelon
Pink Malaysian Dragon Fruit

Some of the new fruit we discovered were:
Lychee- little like a grape that you peel with a seed
Starfruit- mild flavor, but a pain to eat
Rose Apple- taste like a combo of a pear and an apple
Passion Fruit- gooey with crunchy seeds-- not a fan
Mangosteen- look like a garlic clove- but somewhat sweet and bland
One thing that surprised me were these white Guavas.  I always had pink Guava juice, so to see these were white inside shocked me- but once again- somewhere there might be pink guava's that produce the juice- or are they coloring it so it looks appealing???

 These large looking limes were actually like a tangerine inside. So this time the inside was what fooled me.
The last fruit to touch base on is the Durian.  This fruit is a delicacy in SE Asia, but to me it smells like sweaty socks and rotten onions.  Fred and the girls tried it as ice cream and then Fred got it in a cream puff.  Let's just say, based on the smell of his breath I never tried it.  Will I regret it after we are gone and I no longer have access to it??- doubt it.  You'd have to pay me to try this stinky fruit.

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