Thursday, March 28, 2013

Exploring something new

There is an island that is a part of Singapore where there are beaches, water parks, hotels, restaurants, and even Universal Studios.   We decided this would be a great thing to bring the girls to see.   You know how when you try a new thing or go to a new place the first time can be extremely challenging, well we planned to have that adventure.   You can read tons of brochures and travel books to try and plan what to do but somehow it's not as easy as the it should be-- or does this just happen to our family???

We managed to ride the subway and get to the express monarail to the island and arrived at the last stop near the beaches.  I a probably need to mention at this point that we skipped the visitor center stop -- so maybe that's why we don't know where to go.  Anyway, there are lots of signs around for buses, and beach trams but somehow it's not intuitive where we want to go.   We get on a beach tram with lots of people and get off at a beach.  Yes we got it right.  However this beach is about ten feet of grainy imported more like dirt sand.  This is not the tropical island paradise beach we were expecting.    Off in ocean are TONS of continer ships.  Also not the tropical view expected.  There are plenty of beautiful palm trees around but I wondered how clean is this ocean with all these ships.

Good news is we eventually went on a really neat street luge and then found a great Americanized beach bar that Fred and I sat out at while the girls swam.  The girls said it was the warmest ocean water they were ever in.   The day hit the  point where things were going smoothly and our unsure adventure was a success.

Then I made a suggestion to explore more of the islands other beaches (you know in case there is a better one).  Unfortunately this resulted in some super hot walking that put a damper on our successful trip.  I guess I've learned better to quit while on top than push forward and leave more exploring for another day. There is still much to do on this island and hopefully the next time we venture over will be even better and I will just enjoy the one successful activity.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Toilet paper run

With 3 girls staying with Fred we unexpectedly ran out of toilet paper. Normally this is not an issue and you'd hop in your car run to giant or 7-11 and be back in 10 minutes with a new stock.  Well, right now we are carless and it's Sunday so the nearby navy exchange is closed!  So, this is when you start thinking what places nearby have a public restroom.  I was hoping the nearby gym did, but I was informed otherwise.  I wondered if we are close enough to someone to stop by to use their bathroom if needed.

I walk to a grocery store, this errand ends up taking just about an hour.  I can't wait to have a car here! Going anywhere is at least a 20 minute walk.

This evening it was rainy and we were going to go out for dinner but no one wants to walk in the rain for 20 minutes so we just stay home and snack on whatever is in the fridge which is frozen meals or cereal.  Driving really is a luxury that  I never realized how much easier it makes your life.  Without a car you really have to plan your life and be organized.  I'm generally this type of person but not having experienced not having a car before threw me for a loop.

I imagine looking under the cabinet for toilet paper stock will become a regular check.