Monday, November 17, 2014

Haw Par Villa- What?

We have a free exhibit in Singapore called Haw Par Villa that depicts Chinese folklore.  It was originally built in 1937 and in 1985 it was given a face lift and since 1996 the park has been free to visit.  This exhibit is often referred to as a theme park by locals, however, there are no rides, just statues to look at.  These statues represent various ancient Chinese stories.  There is one area called The Courts of Hell.  Here you can view depictions of statues in various tortuous deaths as the repent the consequences of living a sinful life.

I ventured out to see this place with a few spouses and got a glimpse of The Courts of Hell and many other fancifully done statues (note some of the photos are a little gruesome).
Park Entrance
Entrance to the Courts of Hell
Reflecting on your life sins
Punishment being burned in a pit of lava
Sample of crime and punishment
Punishment for wasting food- sawed in half

There also are lots of amazing statues depicting scenes from folklore stories.  Unfortunately, not all have stories to read and learn about which would have been really helpful.  Below is one story for your enjoyment and a few photos of various statues.  Should you like to read a little more about Haw Par Villa check out this link

The Tale of Madam White Snake